Goonz Warz
After meeting the AstroGoonz and building on our understanding
that the relationships between all Goonz ran deeper.
We are becoming more aware, even though we know we are only
touching the tip of this iceberg.
And like so many other things, becoming aware does not build an
understanding, or help divulge the mystery we are exploring.
The Deadz did not need or want to spend as much time with
Zombz since we met Astroz. And an interesting dynamic is
forming between Deadz and Astroz. The Deadz wanted to use
their weaponz… this was odd. Up until this moment they had
been uncomfortable with their weaponz everytime we tried
to talk about them.
We had been unable to figure this out. What was their history?
Had they found them? Had they made them?
We did not know if they were ashamed or untrained.
And if ashamed, we could not even begin to fathom why.
As always, we had to find a solution. The deadz wanting to use
their weaponz was wearisome at best and damaging at worst…
Our main ship was becoming more chaotic than ever,
something had to be done. And then the Femz had an idea.
We formulated a plan with the Legendary Astroz to train the Deadz.
To give them the skillz required to be able to use their
weapons and maybe a deeper connection with the Deadz too,
would this enable more understanding of them, and us?
The Astro are familiar and comfortable with their weaponz,
even if they have been unused in combat for as long
as memory servez. We cordoned off a section of the ship
and turned it into a battle playground. Time to explore
new territory, who knowz what we will find in the future,
and we want to be prepared…